Chart of Accounts Codes - Grant Administration Tab

Access this tab using Maintain>Chart of Accounts Codes. It is only available if the Grant Administration module is installed.

Use this tab to record administrative information about your grant. You can record the Account Number assigned to the grant and the person in your organization that is responsible for it, along with specific details about the actual grant awarded.

As the Administrator, you must have previously selected a segment (Organization>Set Up Modules>Grant Administration) to use with the Grant Administration module. This segment, along with a code, must be selected on the Setup tab of this form in order to access this tab.

Note: This tab will be read-only if the Activate Grant Management Integration check box is selected by the Administrator on the Organization>Set Up Modules>Grant Administration form. You should have checked that box if you own the Grant Management module and prefer to maintain your grant information there.


Stage: Select the stage that is appropriate for this grant. Use Pre-award (PR) during the application process; Post-award (PO) after a grant has been awarded; and Close-out (CL) when a grant has been completed.

Recipient Information

  • Award Number: Enter the grant award number assigned to your grant by the grantor.
  • Project Director: Enter the name of the person in your organization that is responsible for implementing the grant.
  • Award Type: Enter your own unique award type. This is an internal classification that you create to assist in sorting and grouping on reports.
  • Notification Date: Enter or select the date that your organization was informed that you were being awarded this grant.

Grant Terms

  • Grant Period Start Date, End Date: Enter the term of the grant; the start and end dates.
  • Extended Date: If applicable, enter the date (beyond the grant period) to which the grantor has agreed to extend, so that your organization can complete the grant.
  • Projected Award Amount: Enter the full funding amount available for this grant.
  • Payment Method: Enter the way—A (Advanced Payment) or R (Reimbursement)—your organization will receive funds from the grantor.
  • Cost Sharing Percentage: Enter the percentage of cost expected from your organization by the grantor. It is common for the grantee to match some portion of the contribution made by the grantor.
  • Indirect Cost Rate: Enter the percentage of reimbursement for indirect costs (such as administrative personnel or office rental) acquired by your organization.
  • Next Reporting Date: Enter the next date that a performance report is due to the grantor.
  • Last Reporting Date: Enter the last date that a performance report was submitted to the grantor.

Audit Required: Select this check box if the grant requires that you have an independent audit performed.

  • Use Reports>Lists>Chart of Accounts and Grants to print the data entered on this form.
  • Use the following formats for entering percentages in the Costs Sharing Percentage and Indirect Cost Rate boxes. For fractional percentages, make sure that you enter the decimal.
    .5 = .5%
    005, 05, or 5 = 5%
    50 = 50%