Chart of Accounts Codes - Grantor Information Tab

Access this tab using Maintain>Chart of Accounts Codes. It is only available if the Grant Administration module is installed.

Use this tab to record data about the source that awarded your grant, including their contact information.

As the Administrator, you must have previously selected a segment (Organization>Set Up Modules>Grant Administration) to use with the Grant Administration module. This segment, along with a code, must be selected on the Setup tab of this form in order to access this tab.

Note: The Grantor ID field will be read-only if the Activate Grant Management Integration check box is selected by the Administrator on the Organization>Set Up Modules>Grant Administration form. You should have checked that box if you own the Grant Management module and prefer to maintain your grant information there.


Grant Sponsor: Enter the name of the entity issuing the grant.

Grantor ID: Enter the ID assigned to this grant by the grantor.

Grant Official: Enter the contact person; that is, the person that administers the business aspects of the grant.

Position: Enter the Grant Official's job title.

Address, City, State/Province, Postal Code, Country, Voice, Fax, Email: Enter the street address, city, state or province, postal code, and country for the official. Also enter a telephone number, fax number, and email address.

Program Official: Enter the grantor's representative with specialized knowledge in the area relating to the grant. This person ensures that your organization is implementing the grant properly and achieving the intended results.

Customer ID: Select any customer ID associated with this grant. This is used with the A/R Reporting module.

Use Reports>Lists>Chart of Accounts and Grants to print the data entered on this form.