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Processing Attachments

Manage Attachments

Access this form using any form> Manage Attachments.

Use this form to add, view, or delete an attachment that applies to the current menu selection. The form collects the basic information needed to manage and maintain the attachment. The list of attachments and edits are limited to the specific transaction source that is associated with the form and the ID or Session ID/Document Number.

As the Administrator, you should have previously:

  • Enabled the Attachments feature using Organization>Attachments>Set Up Locations
  • Reviewed and set up attachment categories using Organization>Attachments>Set Up Categories

Once the feature is set up, Manage Attachments displays on forms throughout the system. displays when no attachments are present and changes to after an attachment has been added.


Category/Sub-Categories: A list of Category and Sub-category folders available for the current menu selection. (These were created by the Administrator using Organization>Attachments>Set Up Categories.)

Attachments: A list of attachments that apply to the category/sub-category that is selected.

  • Name: The name given to the attachment when it was saved.
  • Type: The type assigned to the attachment when it was saved, either L (Linked) or E (Encrypted).
  • Path: The location where the attachment was saved.
  • User ID: The user who created and saved the attachment.
  • Date: The date the attachment was created and saved.

Add Attachments: Add attachments to the category/subcategory that is selected.

  • Selected Category: The folder in which the attachment will be saved.
  • Type: Select an attachment type of Linked or accept the default of Encrypted.
    • Linking to a document means that you browse to the document location and the system saves the path to the document. To view the "linked" document, it has to remain in the exact location to be viewed.
    • Encrypting a document means that the document will be scrambled by the system to prevent unauthorized access, and copied to a default or user defined attachment location for later retrieval and viewing. Encrypting a document provides basic security and prevents untrained individuals from viewing the document outside the system.
  • Name: Enter a unique name for the attachment.
  • Source: Click the Browse button to define the attachment location.
  • Directory management, including access rights to directories, is done outside the system and your sole responsibility.
  • When linking to an attachment, you have to ensure that the linked document remains in the specified path for the life of the attachment within the system.
  • Remember, Encrypted documents are decrypted in the Temp folder. The system attempts to delete the document from the Temp folder after the document has been closed. As long as the document is open, anyone can view the document from within your Temp folder. As with many documents that are copied to the Temp folder by this system or other programs, it may not be deleted upon closing the system. You are responsible to delete (if needed) the source document that has been encrypted.
  • The Attachments buttons are active for a saved ID or saved/posted transactions.
  • When a session or document is deleted, the associated encrypted attachment is also deleted.
  • As the Administrator, you can delete attachment sub-category folders and their content (created in Organization>Set Up Categories); however, you cannot delete the Category folders.
  • You cannot add attachments to any of the forms in the Organization, Security, or System top menus.