Printing Account Balances

To Print Account Balance Data

  1. Click the Print button on the Account Balances form and the Print Options form displays, which allows you to define what type of report to print: summary or detail.
    1. Print Summary will print the level 1 information for all rows in the Balances table (regardless of what row was selected). This only includes the balance information.
    2. Print Detail will print only the selected row and all levels associated with it (level 1, level 2, and level 3). This includes the detailed transactions. For example, click the Current Activity row and then click Print. Select "Print Detail" and then click OK. The printout will only show Current Activity and all its related information.
  2. Click OK to view the report on the Print to Screen form.
  3. Click Print to print a hard copy of the report.

Explanation of Printed Document

  • The first line contains the document title "Display Account Balances."
  • The second line contains the Account Balances Begin date, which is the first day of your fiscal year based on the Date From box. The dates that were entered in the Date From/To boxes also display here.
  • The third line contains the name of the document the data is related to – "Document and Transaction Detail relates to: Current Activity." (This only displays if printing the data in detail.)
  • The remainder of the document contains the information from the Balances table.