Quick Search Buttons

If available, click the button for more information about its form or process.

Select All: Use this button to select all items in the table.

Deselect All: Use this button to clear all items in the table.

Delete: Use this button to delete the selected items from the data.

Display/Hide Filter: Use this button to switch between the Quick Search and Filter feature.

Clear Filter: Use this button to clear all of the selected filter items. The filter is used for display purposes only; it limits what the system displays in the table. You cannot save the filter items.

Display Records: Use this button to display only the records that match the currently selected filter items. If you are not using the filter (it is blank), the Display Records button displays all of the items you currently have.

View First Page: Use this button to display the first page of data in the table.

View Previous Page: Use this button to display the previous page of data in the table.

View Next Page: Use this button to display the next page of data in the table.

View Last Page: Use this button to display the last page of data in the table.

Print Setup: Use this button to select a printer and set up default printer information for printing your list.

Print to Screen: Use this button to view your list before it is formatted for printing. This makes your data easy to review, but does not provide an exact representation of how it looks when sent to the printer.

Print Preview: Use this button to view your list as it actually prints.

Print: Use this button to print the items in the list.

Export: Use this button to export data to one of several popular file formats. This button is available only if the Data Import/Export module is installed.