How Do I Delete a Recurring Entry?

To do recurring entry that you no longer need, complete following steps:

  1. Open the Manage Recurring Entries form using Activities>Manage Recurring Entries. This will give you a list of all the current recurring entries.
  2. Make note of the Name of the document you want to delete and its transaction source. You will need this in future steps. If you have multiple instances of the same document it doesn’t matter.
  3. After you have that information, go to the transaction source that created the transaction, for example, Transactions>Enter Journal Vouchers.
  4. Create a new session and get to the data entry screen.
  5. Once on that screen, click Recall Memorized Documents and select the document you want to delete.
  6. Select the name of the document and then click the Delete button. A message displays confirming the delete.
  7. If you go back to Manage Recurring Entries for, that entry will be gone.