How Do I Set Up the General Ledger Module?

The following is a checklist for setting up the General Ledger module:

With Administrative User Rights

Follow these steps after the software is installed:

  1. Create all new organizations needed using the File>New Organization wizard form. Take extreme care when choosing options for the organization setup. Once the organization is created, the basic file structure cannot be modified.
  2. (Optional) Ensure that the SMTP Email is set up and configured using the Organization>Organization Information - Email Setup tab, if you plan to email reports. See Setting Up SMTP.
  3. Make choices for organization preferences using the Organization>Organization Preferences form. To set up preferences for any owned modules, use Organization>Set Up Modules.
  4. Establish proper system security for users (Security>Set Up System Menus).
  5. Establish proper organization security for users and groups (Security>Set Up Organization Menus).
  6. Print security information (Reports>Lists>Security).
For Accounting

Follow these steps after the organization's database is created:

  1. Create the chart of accounts codes (Maintain>Chart of Accounts Codes). For more information about designing the chart of accounts structure, see the overview on Analyzing Your Reporting Needs in Chapter 3 of the Getting Started manual.
  2. (Optional) Enter offset account assignments using the Wizard (Maintain>Offset Account Assignments). Copy offset account assignments to other funds wherever possible.
  3. (Optional) Enter distribution codes (Maintain>Distribution Codes).
  4. Enter closing account assignments using the Wizard (Maintain>Closing Account Assignments). Copy closing account assignments to other funds wherever possible.
  5. Enter account code combinations using the Wizard (Maintain>Account Code Combinations).
  6. Add new chart of accounts codes to your chart of accounts, as necessary (Maintain>Chart of Accounts Codes). Use the Wizard to copy assignments from a model account.
  7. Print List reports for all of the set up codes (Reports>Lists>Chart of Accounts, Distribution Codes, Offset Account Assignments, Closing Account Assignments, and Account Code Combinations).