Add/Edit Dashboard Form

Note: Required fields in forms are marked with an asterisk (*).

Add/Edit Dashboard Fields

Dashboard Name: Enter a name for the new dashboard.

Starter Template: Select a starter template from the drop-down list. No Available Dashboard Widgets are selected when the None Template (default) is selected. The corresponding Available Dashboard Widgets are selected when a template is selected. For example: Select the Dashboard Template and all of the Available Dashboard Widgets are checked. Manually deselect widgets to customize the New Dashboard.

Description: Enter a description for the new dashboard.

Set as My Default Dashboard: Check the box to set the new dashboard as the default to display on the Dashboard page.

Note: The available dashboard widgets can be arranged in a custom layout. Click the title bar in a dashboard widget and drag it to a desired location on the dashboard. Default dashboard widgets cannot be rearranged.

Available Dashboard Widgets

The Available Dashboard Widgets list updates to reflect the Starter Template choice selected in the drop-down list. If no Starter Template is selected the full list of Available Dashboard Widgets displays with none checked.

For example: Select the Dashboard Template and all of the Available Dashboard Widgets are checked. Manually deselect widgets to customize the New Dashboard.


Delete: Select to delete a saved Dashboard. System dashboards can not be deleted.

Cancel: Select to cancel your dashboard changes and return to the Dashboard Options form.

Save: Select to save when you are finished making your changes.