Financial Statement Formats for Reports Form

Use this form to manage the formats for financial statement report.

Financial Statement Formats Table

Use the Financial Statement Formats table to view, update, and manage financial statement formats for reports.

Search Financial Statement Formats: Enter a sequence of characters to filter the list displayed in the Financial Statement Formats table. For example, entering Balance Sheet or Cash Flows will display only financial statement formats with a statement title or type of Balance Sheet or Cash Flows.

Add Financial Statement Format: Select to go to the Financial Statement Format Builder Form.

Copy: Selecting a financial statement format from the Financial Statement Formats table activates Copy.

Delete: Selecting one or more financial statement formats from the Financial Statement Formats table activates Delete.

List Records: Select how many items per page to display using the drop-down list. You can view items in the table in increments of 10, 20, 50, or 100.

Select: Select the check box to select financial statement formats. Select the check box located in the title bar of the Financial Statement Formats table to select all the financial statement formats in the Financial Statement Formats table.

Format Name: Lists the Financial Statement Format name. Click the Financial Statement Format name to go to the Financial Statement Format Builder Form.

Statement Title: Lists the Financial Statement Format title.

Statement Type: Lists the Financial Statement Format type.

Description: Lists the Financial Statement Format description.

System Format: Lists 'Yes' for system Financial Statement Formats. System Financial Statement Formats cannot be selected for copying or deletion.