Manage Sessions

Use the Manage Sessions form to view posted sessions and edit unposted sessions quickly and easily.


Sessions Table

The Sessions table lists the posted and unposted sessions in the system. Use the Sessions table to view, update, and manage session information.

Select a Session ID in the table to proceed to the Transaction Entry page for that session.

Transaction Source: The transaction source for the session transaction type. For example, BD for Budget or API for Accounts Payable Invoices.

Session ID: The session ID for the session record

Document Count: The document count (invoices) for the session record

Posted Status: The posted status of the session record - either Posted or Unposted

Status: The session status - either BS (Batch to Suspend) or BP (Batch to Post). You can change an unposted session status. However, a session whose status is BS cannot be posted until its status is updated to BP.

Session Total: The dollar amount of invoices for the session record

Session Date: The date of the session

Description: The description of the session


Post: Select to post the unposted sessions that have a status of BP.

Delete: Select to remove the unposted session records from the system.

Copy: Select to open the Copy Session Form for a posted session.

Reverse: Select to open the Reverse Session Form for a posted session.

Toggle Unposted/Posted/Clear: Select to filter the table to display either Unposted or Posted sessions.