Organization Module Setup - Add Budget

Select Add Budget Versions to add a new budget version.

Version ID: Enter a new budget version ID.

Status: Specify the status of the budget version. Select from the following options:

  • Active: Set the budget version to active to create worksheets and transaction entries in the budget version. When entering budget worksheets, the primary budget version requires an active status.
  • Inactive: Set a budget version to inactive when it is no longer used for normal transactions and worksheets but has a need to be used later.
  • Discontinued: Set a budget version to discontinued when it is no longer used.
  • Locked: Set a budget version to locked when it is complete and no changes are required.

Description: Enter a description for the budget version.

Display Name: Enter a display name for the budget version. This name displays in reports.

Once you have entered all information, select Save to save your budget version and close the window.