Vendor Balances

Use this form to filter vendor balance details and display the matching transactions.

Note: You must have full menu rights to these forms in order to view and access these buttons.


Vendor Detail Information

The Vendor Detail Information section of the form includes the following filtering information.

Vendor ID: The unique ID for the vendor. Select a Vendor ID from the drop-down list. This activates the remaining Vendor Detail required fields.

Document Date From: Defaults to one year previous to the current date. Click the calendar icon to select a date.

Document Date To: Defaults to the current date. Click the calendar icon to select a date.

Include Activity From: General Ledger account codes. Select a GL account code from the drop-down list. This activates the remaining optional Vendor Detail fields.

Note: The columns displayed in the Transaction Table depend on the General Ledger code selected.

Document Number: The invoice document number. Select a document from the drop-down list.

AP Account: Accounts Payable account codes. Select an account code from the drop-down list.

Clear Filters: Select to clear all selected filters and reset the Vendor Detail section of the form.

Apply Filters: Select to apply the selected filters and generate the results in the Transactions Table.


Transactions Table

The Transactions Table displays the results of the filter criteria set in Vendor Detail section of the form.

Search Enter a sequence of characters to filter the list displayed in the Transactions Table. For example, entering 10 will display only transaction documents that include the number 10
Collapse All Click to collapse any expanded Document Number or Document Number Details tables
Export Click to export the filtered results in PDF or XLS format. The results are exported according your browser selection and settings
Reset Grid Click to reset the table to its default order. See the Tips and Shortcuts page for more information on reorganizing grids
Selected Filter The selected filter displays. Click to view the Document Number Table
Filter Click the Filter icon to filter the information displayed in each column

Note: The columns displayed in the Transaction Table depend on the General Ledger code selected.


General Ledger Account Codes

The columns displayed in the Transactions Table depend on the General Ledger account code selected in the "Include Activity From" field. See the table below for information on selected codes and corresponding columns and descriptions.

AACT: All Activity


Document Number: The invoice document number
Document Date: The session date specific to this document
Due Date: The due date
Document Description: The description entered on the transaction entry form
Original Amount: The original amount due to the vendor
Outstanding Balance: The outstanding amount due to the vendor

OAPI: Open A/P Invoices/Credits


Invoice/Credit Number: The number assigned to the invoice or credit
Invoice/Credit Date: The date of the invoice or credit
Due Date: The due date
Invoice/Credit Description: The description entered for the invoice or credit
Original Amount: The original amount due to the vendor
Outstanding Balance: The outstanding amount due to the vendor

AAPI: All A/P Invoices/Credits


Invoice/Credit Number: The number assigned to the invoice or credit
Invoice/Credit Date: The date of the invoice or credit
Due Date: The due date
Invoice/Credit Description: The description entered for the invoice or credit
Original Amount: The original amount due to the vendor
Outstanding Balance: The outstanding amount due to the vendor

CRD: Applied Credits


Applied Credit: The number assigned to the applied credit
Date: The session date specific to this document
Description: The description entered for the credit, check, or voucher
Amount: The credit, check, or voucher amount

CHK: Checks/Vouchers


Number: The invoice document number
Date: The session date specific to this document
Status: The check or voucher status
EFT Status: Indicated by "Yes" or "No", depending on if the vendor is paid electronically
Payment Type: The payment type associated with the document - Check or Voucher
Description: The description entered for the credit, check, or voucher
Amount: The credit, check, or voucher amount


Document Number Table

Click on a number in the Transactions Table to display additional document details.

Document Number The document number associated with the transaction code. Click to view the Document Number Details Table
Transaction Type The transaction type associated with the document, such as APC, API, CD, or VCK
Session ID The session ID associated with the document
Applied Amount The amount applied to the vendor balance
Document Date The session date specific to this document
Document Description The description entered on the transaction entry form
Status The check or voucher status (Does not apply to CRD or CHK)
EFT Status Indicated by "Yes" or "No", depending on if the vendor is paid electronically (Does not apply to CRD or CHK)
Payment Type The payment type associated with the document - either Check or Voucher (Does not apply to CRD or CHK)
GL/AP Account The General Ledger or Accounts Payable account number associated with the document


Document Number Details Table

Click on a document number in the Document Number Table to display additional document details.

Note: The columns available for Document Number Details can vary depending on your MIP Cloud implementation. The most common columns are described here.

GL Account The General Ledger account code
Fund The associated fund code
Document Number The number assigned to the document
Debit The debit amount
Credit The credit amount
Entry Type The entry type chosen during transaction entry - Normal (N), End of Year Adjustment (A), or Beginning Balance (UO)
Effective Date The effective date entered on the transaction entry form
Transaction Description The description entered for the transaction line item


Vendor Balances Summary


  • Total Original Amount: The total original amount due to all vendors included in the filtered results.
  • Total Outstanding Balance: The total outstanding balance due to all vendors included in the filtered results.

For CRD and CHK:

  • Total Amount: The total credit amount or total check amount for all vendors included in the filtered results.