Account Balances

Access this form using Activities>Display Balances>Account Balances.

Use this form to view the beginning balance, current activity, and ending balances for account balances. You are required to filter on specific accounts in the Display Accounts group box. Then, click the Display button and only those accounts will display in the Balances table. If a wide Date From/Date To range is entered, it takes longer for the system to display the data. If needed, click the Clear button to clear all boxes on the form and the document information in the table.

Invalid account code combinations are not validated on this form; therefore, you can view balances for both valid and invalid account code combinations.


Date Range for Balances Date From, Date To: Select the date range for the documents you want to display balances for in the table. If the same date is selected for both boxes, the documents created on that day will display in Current Activity. This filter only applies to the original document (Level 1); the associated documents are not filtered on these dates.

Display Accounts: This group box contains your segments. You are required to filter on at least one segment. Click the Display button to view the filtered data.

  • Available Filter, Selected Filter: Select a segment in the Available Filter column, and click the Mover ( > ) to move it to the Selected Filter column. Once an item is in the Selected Filter column, set up its filtering criteria. Then, the Balances table is limited to the data that falls within the designated filter criteria.
  • Compares To: Select an operator from the drop-down list.
  • Criteria 1: Enter a value to compare with the item in the Selected Filter column.
  • Criteria 2: Enter a value for the end of a range if the Compares To column contains the Between or Not Between operators.

Balances Table: This table supports the drill down feature. This feature allows you to view transactions from the document level through the detailed transaction level. You can click on the plus (+) sign next to a transaction to expand the outline. When an item has been expanded, the plus (+) sign becomes a minus (-) sign. To collapse an item, simply click the minus sign. The following sample shows the three levels of detail:


Level 1—Original Document

Level 2—Related Document (all applicable documents, including the original)

Level 3—Transaction (all transactions lines for an original or related document)

Level 1: Original Document

Currency: The system displays the source currency of the initiating transaction, such as USD, MXN, or CAD.

{Segment Name}: The system displays the segment name being filtered in the Display Accounts group box.

Description: The system displays a line for the beginning balance, current activity, and ending balance.

Beginning Balance - The beginning balance starts with the last open fiscal year's opening balance and then applies normal and year-end adjustment entries up until the Date From value (not including Date From). If the Date From value is the first day of any fiscal year, then the beginning balance is the sum of all Opening Balance type transactions on that date.

Current Activity - The system displays the account activity between and including the Date From and Date To values.

Ending Balance - The system displays the ending balance, which is calculated by adding the Beginning Balance and the Current Activity.

From Date: The system displays the beginning date for the balance displayed.

Through Date: The system displays the end date for the balance displayed.

Source Posted Amount: The system displays the consolidated source balance for all posted transaction entry lines with the same account code combination, effective date, document number, and session ID.

Posted Amount: The system displays the consolidated functional balance for all posted transaction entry lines with the same account code combination, effective date, document number, and session ID.

Level 2: Related Document

Effective Date: The system displays the effective date for the document.

Transaction Type: The system displays the transaction type, such as, CD (Cash Disbursements), CL (System Close Year-End), CR (Cash Receipts), or JV (Journal Vouchers).

Document Number: The system displays the document number.

Source Posted Amount: The system displays the consolidated source balance for all posted transaction entry lines with the same account code combination, effective date, document number, and session ID.

Posted Amount: The system displays the consolidated functional balance for all posted transaction entry lines with the same account code combination, effective date, document number, and session ID.

ID: The system displays the ID associated with Transaction Type, such as a vendor ID, customer ID, or a processing group code.

Session ID: The system displays the document's session ID.

Document Date: The system displays the document date.

Document Description: The system displays the document description.

Level 3: Transaction

{Segment Name}: The system displays one column for each valid segment. If account level security is applied, you may not see some segments and/or account codes. If you do not have access to one or more accounts, you will not see that record.

Source Currency: The system displays the source currency of the transaction, such as USD, MXN, or CAD.

Source Debit, Source Credit: The system displays the source debit or credit amounts for the transaction line.

Rate: The system displays the exchange rate for the transaction line.

Debit, Credit: The system displays the functional debit or credit amounts for the transaction line.

Invoice Currency: The system displays the invoice currency, such as USD, MXN, or CAD, for Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable transaction lines.

Invoice Debit, Invoice Credit: The system displays the invoice debit or credit amounts for Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable transaction lines.

Entry Type: The system displays the transaction's entry type—N (Normal), A (End of Year Adjustment), AO (Adjust Opening Balance), (UO) Beginning Balance, or SO (System Opening Balance).

Effective Date: The system displays the effective date for the transaction line.

Transaction Description: The system displays the transaction line item's description.

Balance Description: Select Beginning Balance, Current Activity, or Ending Balance from the drop-down list. The system displays an amount in the Total Posted Amount field.

Total Posted Amount: The system displays a functional total of the total posted amount. If there are multiple currencies for the selected General Ledger code, it will total the functional amount for each of the currencies. This is based on what was selected from the Balance Description drop-down list.

  • To view the transaction document associated with any level 2 line item, double-click the row selector or any field (except +). The system only displays the selected transaction document; you cannot view other documents within that session.
  • You can view balances on accounts with any status—Active, Inactive, or Discontinued.
  • When viewing data in the table, level 1 needs to extend beyond (be wider than) levels 2 and 3 in order to view all column data. You also need to use the vertical scroll bar within that level to see its data. (Each level has its own vertical scroll bar.)
  • If Level 2 contains any of the following Transaction Type codes, double-click any cell within that row, and then the system displays the detail transaction line on the designated form.
  • Transaction Type Code

    Transaction Form

    ENH – Consolidate Encumbrance History

    Organization>Consolidate Transaction History

    BDH – Consolidate Budget History

    Organization>Consolidate Transaction History

    JVH – Consolidate Journal Voucher History

    Organization>Consolidate Transaction History

    JVD – Journal Vouchers Depreciation/Disposals

    Activities>Fixed Assets>Transfer Depreciation/Disposals

    CL – System Close Year-End

    Activities>Close Fiscal Year