Chart of Accounts Codes - Setup Tab

Access this form using Maintain>Chart of Accounts Codes.

Use this tab to create codes for your segments. You can also set up an account and currency type, apply a designation, enter a 990 worksheet line number, assign a next check number, and determine if an account should be required for balance sheets. Because the system uses a table-driven chart of accounts, codes are set up independently for each segment in your account structure.

  • You must select a valid Account Type for General Ledger type segment codes. Once saved, account types cannot be changed or deleted for existing General Ledger codes. Take care to assign the proper account type when setting up a code. If necessary, you can delete and reenter the code as long as nothing has been entered or posted to the code.
  • Account segments were named when the organization was set up by the Administrator using the File>New Organization wizard. You must enter chart of account codes and their titles before any transactions can be entered.
  • The Form 990 Line Number reflects the line numbers that correlates to the 990 form version (Form 990 or Form 990EZ) selected by the Administrator on the Organization>Organization Information form.


Segment: Enter an existing account segment, or select one from the drop-down list.

Code: Enter a new account code for the segment you selected (which enables the Chart of Accounts wizard), or select an existing one from the drop-down list. Depending on the character type chosen when the organization was created by the Administrator (File>New Organization), the system limits the characters you can enter for the code.

Character Type

Valid Characters


Numbers 0-9 only


Letters A-Z only (upper and lowercase)


0-9, A-Z, and punctuation (except the invalid characters: | " [ ] ' %)

Status: Specify the status of the Account Code. When creating a new code, accept the default status, A (Active), or select I (Inactive) or D (Discontinued) from the drop-down list. The status can be changed at any time. Below are valid status entries and their descriptions:

  • Active (A) - Set an account code to active to allow transaction entry to the account code.
  • Inactive (I) - Set an account code to inactive when you do not want to use it regularly for transactions, but you may still need to use it at some point. A warning message appears when you attempt to use an inactive code. The warning message is for notification only; you can still use the code in a transaction. Inactive codes appear on reports.
  • Discontinued (D) - Designate an account code as discontinued when you no longer use it. The system does not allow transaction entry to a code with a discontinued status. Discontinued codes appear on reports.

Title: Enter or change the account's title.

Short Title: Enter or change the account's short title. The short title default is the first fifteen characters of the title. When printing reports, you can print the short title for accounts.

Account Information

  • Account Type: Select an account type, if you selected General Ledger as the segment. The account type determines the account's placement on quick financial statements. In addition, some account types are designated as control accounts used with subsidiary ledgers and for transaction entry edits. Account Types (and their codes) indicate which accounts are control accounts and their purpose.

Account Type





Control account used for bank reconciliation and cash transactions

A/R - Customers


Control account for Accounts Receivable subsidiary ledgers

Accounts Receivable


Non Control account used for receivables

Pledges Receivable


Pledge Receivables

Interfund Receivable


Special account for interfund offsets

Fixed Assets


Special account for Fixed Assets

Other Assets


Non Control account used for assets

A/P - Vendor


Control account for Accounts Payable subsidiary ledgers

Accounts Payable


Non Control account used for payables

Interfund Payable


Special account used for interfund offsets

Other Liabilities


General Liabilities

Net Assets/Equity


Required for year-end close. Revenues and expenditures close to this type of account



Requires closing assignments for fiscal year-end close



Requires closing assignments for fiscal year-end close

Interfund Transfers


Utilize for designating non-reciprocal interfund transfers. It is highly recommended to designate closing assignments for fiscal year-end close

  • Currency: The system displays the functional currency code, such as USD, CAD, EUR, GBP, or MXN, when a General Ledger cash account is selected.
  • Designation: Select a code to be used for the default financial statements formats or grouping for dashboards. (For more information on how designation codes affect the default financial statement formats, see Designation Codes and How They Apply to Statement Formats.) These codes are based on the segment type chosen and the Function assigned (GL [N/A Function], Program Function, Restriction Function, or Fund Function) when the organization was created by the Administrator (File>New Organization>Account Segments panel). The function can be changed by the Administrator using the Organization>Organization Information>Segments tab.
    Depending on the function designated, once you click Save, the system automatically updates default statement formats, (Reports>Financial Statements>Create Statement Formats), according to your specific account codes. Setting up designation codes allows the system to know exactly where this information is being stored in the chart of accounts, enabling the production of the default ASC 958 (FAS 117 superseded)-compliant financial statements.
    A designation is required for general ledger segments and segments with a Function of RES, FND, or PGM. Once a function is assigned, a designation is required.
  • Form 990 Line Number: This is used to group segment codes to facilitate reporting for the Reports>990 Worksheet. Select the appropriate IRS Form 990 Line Numbers or Column Letter in which the account should be grouped. This field is only available if the current organization's functional currency (selected by the Administrator on the File>New Organization wizard) is USD—US Dollar. These codes are based on the segment type chosen and the Function assigned (GL[N/A Function], Program Function, or Restriction Function) when the organization was created by the Administrator (File>New Organization>Account Segments panel). The function can be changed by the Administrator using the Organization>Organization Information>Segments tab.
    • If the IRS Tax Form Preference - Form 990 was selected by the Administrator on the Organization>Organization Information form, a line number is required for general ledger segments and segments with a Function of Restriction or Program (Organization>Organization Information>Segments tab). You can also use Reports>Assign Report Groups to make Form 990 Line Number assignments.
    • If the IRS Tax Form Preference - Form 990EZ was selected by the Administrator on the Organization>Organization Information form, a line number is only required for general ledger segments.
  • Last Used Check Number: Enter the last check number for General Ledger cash type accounts. This number interacts with the check number field on transaction entry forms and load forms to aid in numeric check sequencing. It is used when printing checks, such as Transactions>Enter Cash Disbursements and Transactions>Accounts Payable>Enter Manual A/P Checks; Activities>Check Writing>Write Checks and Activities>Accounts Payable>Pay Selected A/P Invoices; and Activities>Payroll>Print/Email Checks and Vouchers and Enter Manual Checks. When these transactions use the same cash account, the system automatically displays the next check number for that account, regardless of which form the check is being generated from. This field updates as check numbers are used.
  • Check Reorder Point: Once this check is printed or saved, the system displays a reminder to order more checks.
  • Order Checks: Click this button to go to the website and reorder checks. Refer to Preprinted Checks and Forms for a list of part numbers to use when ordering.

Required Account Assignments Available, Selected: Required account assignments can be assigned to any GL account code except for Net Assets/Equity—NAE, Revenues—REV, and Expenses/Expenditure—EXP account types. Use the Mover ( > ) to move a code from the Available box to the Selected box. This allows you to designate when non-balancing or restriction type segments should be required for balance sheet accounts during transaction entry.

Use this feature, to ensure accurate tracking of non-balancing (NBAL) or restriction (RES) segments with GL codes, that otherwise would not require their coding during transaction entry. If you are setting up a GL code that is an Interfund Transfers - IFT account type, it is highly recommended that all available segments be assigned as required accounts.

  • Use Reports>Lists>Chart of Accounts to print the data entered on this form.
  • Formatting your reports can be easier if you create your general ledger accounts using a structured numbering sequence. For example, you might use 1000-1999 for assets, 2000-2999 for liabilities, 3000-3999 for equity, 4000-4999 for revenues, and 5000-7999 for expenditures and transfers.
  • Use the Accounts Receivable-Customers and Accounts Payable-Vendors account types for transactions that need sub ledger records created.
  • Usually, organizations set up a separate general ledger cash account for each of their bank accounts. This is necessary if you plan to use the Bank Reconciliation module, since a one-to-one relationship between the general ledger cash account and bank account must exist for the proper use of that module.
  • You cannot create a chart of account code of EN or RV. These codes are already reserved by the system; they are used as part of the Encumbrances module.