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Quick Search

The system automatically displays this form after making a selection on the Maintain menu.

Use this form to view all records, including Codes, Titles, Description and other field information, associated with the form selected from the Maintain menu. You can search for information specific to the *(asterisk) columns using the Quick Search box or use the Filter to limit the items displayed in the Available Items table. Click the New button to open a blank Maintain menu form or double-click on an item, displayed in the Available Items table, to view or modify its data.

If you do not want the Quick Search form to automatically display, clear the Enable Auto Launch of Quick Search Forms check box on the Options>Customize Workstation Settings>Preferences tab. When cleared, any selected Maintain menu form will open as a blank form, so that you can begin entering information immediately.

Note: Click Display/Hide Filter to switch between the Quick Search box and Filters group box; however, both options are discussed below.


Quick Search - Columns Containing *: Enter a word or a few characters into the search box (for the information you want to find located within the * columns) and click the Search/Refresh button. The system displays the results in the Available Items table.

Filters: The filter allows you to limit which items are displayed in the Available Items table. Click Display Records to view the results in the Available Items table.

  • Available Filter, Selected Filter: Select an item in the Available Filter column, and click the Mover ( > ) to move it to the Selected Filter column. Once an item is in the Selected Filter column, set up its filtering criteria. Then, the table is limited to the data that falls within the designated filter criteria.
  • Compares To: Select an operator from the drop-down list. The operator compares the value in the Selected Filter column with the values in Criteria 1 and Criteria 2 to determine which items are displayed in the Available Items table.
  • Criteria 1: Enter a value to compare with the item in the Selected Filter column. When using Like or Not Like, you can use "%" to represent any number of characters.
  • Criteria 2: Enter a value for the end of a range if the Compares To column contains the Between or Not Between operators.

Available Items: Upon opening, the system displays all records for the selected Maintain form. After you Quick Search or Filter, the table displays the resulting records. Select how many items per page to display using the Records per Page drop-down list. You can view items in the table in increments of 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, or 1000. The default value for the Records per Page drop-down list was selected using the Options>Customize Workstation Settings>Preferences tab.

Records are initially sorted on the first data column in ascending order. However, records can be sorted based on any column by clicking on the column heading. The column on which items are sorted has (ascending order) or (descending order) in the column heading.

  • If you changed the size of a form or modified the columns in a table, you can restore any form back to its original state by right-clicking on the form and selecting Restore Form Layout or Resize Form. You can also access the Options>Customize Workstation Settings form by right-clicking on the form and selecting Customize Workstation.
  • Click the Search/Refresh button, to search for the information entered in the Quick Search box or to refresh the Available Items table.
  • To display all available records in the Available Items table, clear the Quick Search box and click the Search/Refresh button.
  • Searches are not case sensitive. All letters, regardless of how you enter them, will be read as lower case.
  • Search displays all records found in the asterisk columns, that start with or contain the letters used in your search. For example, if you search for "in," the Available Items table displays all records that start with or contain the letters "in."
  • In the Available Items table, you can sort the data based on any column. Double-click on a column heading to sort according to that column.
  • The sorting functionality is only for table display and does not affect printing. Print uses the data from the database and is therefore not reflective of how the items were sorted.
  • For larger organizations with many records, you may want to clear the "Use Drop-Down List on Find Forms" using the Options>Customize Workstation Settings>Preferences tab. By doing so, it will eliminate the time it takes to load the Find form.
  • This form is not available for all Maintain forms.