Assets List Report

The Assets List report is one of the most robust reports available through the Fixed Assets module. Use this report to print a list of your organization's assets. Below are a few suggestions on how to use this report:

  • As an asset inventory, where the totals for each item are displayed. You can also choose not to display totals.

  • To reconcile the fixed asset general ledger balance to asset entries in the Fixed Assets module.

Tip: If you're not familiar with the MIP Cloud Report Builder interface, see Report Builder for an introduction.

You can choose to use the report as-is by selecting Export or View, or make edits to the report by selecting Edit.

If you choose to make edits to the report, the Report Builder page will display. From this page, use the Setup tab to choose the columns you'd like to appear on the report. You can rename the columns under the Column Heading.


The following columns are available to include in the report:

Asset ID The asset's assigned ID
Description The description of the asset
Status The status of the asset (Active, Inactive, or Discontinued)
Category The category the asset belongs to
Acquisition Code An optional designation code, used to represent how an asset was acquired
Location Code An optional designation code, used to represent the physical location of the asset
Responsibility Code An optional designation code, used to represent the group or person responsible for the asset
Valuation Code An optional designation code, used to represent the method used to determine the asset's value

Tag Number

The asset's physical tag number, if applicable

Original Asset ID

The ID of the original asset

  • Original Asset ID fields can be used when you want to indicate an improvement to an existing asset, or to track assets that have been reclassified or moved to a different location. It is not a required field.


Indicates whether the asset is taxable or not

Zero Book Value

Indicated with "Yes" or "No". Zero Book Value is a check box available on the asset's maintenance page by going to Maintenance>Fixed Assets>Assetsand selecting the asset.

Asset Type ID

The asset's type

Depreciation Code

The depreciation code assigned to the asset, based on its asset type

Switch Depreciation Code

The alternate depreciation code assigned to the asset, based on its asset type


The life of the asset, displayed in months

Distribution Code

The distribution code, based on the asset's type

Expenditure Account

The expenditure account, based on the asset's type

Accumulated Depreciation Account

The general ledger asset account (FAO account type) for accumulated depreciation, based on the asset's type

Asset Account

The general ledger asset account, based on the asset's type


The cost or basis of the asset

Salvage Value

The salvage value of the asset

Amount to Depreciate

The Amount to Depreciate (Cost minus Salvage Value)

Begin Depreciation Date

The date to begin calculating depreciation

Last Depreciation Date

The date when the asset was last depreciated

Accumulated Depreciation Amount

The current depreciation amount for the asset since it was acquired

Net Book Value

The net value of the asset (Cost minus Accumulated Depreciation)

Months Depreciated

The number of months that have been depreciated since the asset was acquired

Maintenance Date

The last time the asset received maintenance, or when it needs its next maintenance


Warranty details as entered when the asset was first added to the system

Replacement Cost

The amount it would cost to replace the asset

Manufacturer/Model Number

The manufacturer name for the asset, and its model number

Serial Number

The manufacturer's serial number of the asset

Payee/Vendor ID

The payee or vendor the asset was purchases from

Document/Invoice Number

The invoice number or document date used to track the asset

Acquisition Date

The date the asset was obtained

PO Number

The purchase order number used to purchase the asset

Asset Quick Entry

Indicated with "Yes" or "No" depending on if the asset was added through the Maintenance > Fixed Assets > Assets > Add New function, or if it was added via Quick Entry while working in another module

Quick Entry Session ID

The session ID entered during Quick Entry, if applicable

Quick Entry Transaction Source

If the asset was created via Quick Entry, this field displays the transaction source (for example, "API" for AP Invoices or "CD" for Cash Disbursements).


Any notes including when the asset was first added (through Maintenance > Fixed Assets > Assets > Add New)

User Defined Field(s)

Any user defined fields will appear in separate columns for each field.

Use the Filter tab to narrow down and define the data using the available filters.

Use the Options tab to Summarize Amounts on the report, implement security features, and more.

  • Select "Summarize Amounts" to add amounts together and display one line item with the total amount. All document information must be identical for the system to add items together.

  • Select "Do Not Allow Changes to this Report" to secure the report so that other users cannot save their changes to it. This option can only be undone by the user that locked the report.

  • Select "Year End Adjustments" to include year end adjustments on the report. This entry type was designated during transaction entry.

  • Select "Open Entries in Detail" to include opening balances (system or user opening entries) in detail.

  • Select "Replace total debits and credits with Balance" to show the net amount for each segment where totals have been requested. Otherwise, the report displays the total debits and total credits for each segment.

  • Select "Suppress Lines with All Zeros" so that documents with zero amounts do not print. This eliminates records having zero in all amount columns. If it is not selected, every line prints, even if it has a zero value.

Use the Layout tab to change the font and page setup for a report.